After being swallowed alive, Japanese eels were able to escape from a predator fish’s stomach and swim to freedom through the fish’s gills, new research shows.
Of the 32 eels that were swallowed whole by dark sleeper fish in a recent study, nine of them successfully escaped to safety izumi yokoduka/Getty Eels are evading becoming supper by slipping out ...
Baby Japanese eels have been spotted escaping from the stomachs of fish that have eaten them by backing out tail-first, as if moonwalking, first out of their esophagus and then their gills ...
But a new study has taken it to another level by offering the first video evidence of juvenile Japanese eels escaping after being swallowed into the stomachs of their fish predators. Many prey ...
Eels that have been swallowed by fish have been recorded for the first time sliding tail-first back out of their would-be predators' stomach and escaping out of their gills, a study said Monday.