To provide income together with the prospect of capital growth in order to provide a return, net of fees, higher than that provided by the TOPIX Index over the long term (at least five years). At ...
The investment objective of the Scheme is to achieve capital growth. The Scheme will invest in companies both in the UK and overseas but concentrating mainly or, where appropriate, exclusively on UK ...
The Fund aims to provide a return, from a combination of income and capital growth over the long term. The Fund invests in a global portfolio of bonds of any quality, including high yield ...
Please note that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. Please use the interactive graph for benchmark comparison. Important Information Please note the value of investments ...
The objective of the Fund is to track the performance of the FTSE World (ex UK) Index (the “Benchmark Index”) on a net total return basis before fees and expenses are applied. Therefore, the Fund’s ...
The Fund aims to provide income by investing in equity and equity related securities of large US companies. The Fund aims to deliver an income of 5% per year but this is not guaranteed and could ...