On Ewers' partial tear of his oblique ... And so we always try to coach to that. But I think Quinn, obviously the natural attributes of coming out of South Lake Carroll, where they threw the ...
Texas Longhorns quarterback Quinn Ewers is learning from one of the best ahead of the NFL Scouting Combine. According to reports from NFL Network's Tom Pelissero, Ewers is working out with former ...
Quinn Ewers went through a lot with the Texas football program. Ewers experienced a lot of hate from Texas fans who did not want to wait to see Arch Manning at quarterback. He has also dealt with ...
However, Texas Longhorns quarterback Quinn Ewers' meeting with the Pittsburgh Steelers was focused more closely on who he is ...
you had to lean in a little to hear Quinn Ewers talk. If you were at another table in the small, lively restaurant, you’d never know that one of the most ballyhooed high school football recruits ...
Former Texas quarterback Quinn Ewers had what amounted to a lengthy job interview with 32 prospective employers at the NFL combine in Indianapolis this week. Since 2000, Texas football has had ...
After the 2024 season, Quinn Ewers made the choice to move on to the NFL and continue his career at the next level. This came after four seasons at the college level and there was believed to be a ...
then they might have the perfect player to back up 2-time Pro Bowler Baker Mayfield in controversial Texas quarterback Quinn Ewers. Ewers might actually find the spotlight of being an NFL backup ...
INDIANAPOLIS — Quinn Ewers was on the wrong end of Ohio State’s national championship run last month. It was in the College Football Playoff semifinals at the Cotton Bowl when Ewers dropped ...
NCAA. Arch Manning's one big advantage that Quinn Ewers never had excites Texas fans amid national title hopes NCAA. Quinn Ewers' NFL Draft stock took a big hit: From 5-star prospect to Day 2 pick ...
On Ewers' partial tear of his oblique ... And so we always try to coach to that. But I think Quinn, obviously the natural attributes of coming out of South Lake Carroll, where they threw the ...