Naughty Lulu, the Yves Saint Laurent comic strip. From Jardin Marjorelle: In 1956, the twenty-year-old Yves Henri Donat ...
Marco Rambaldi chose to showcase his spring 2025 collection in a Milan square, close to Castello Sforzesco. He was attracted ...
Fashion is deeply intertwined with history, with much of what we wear shaped by past influences. There’s no denying that the ...
While modern tennis-wear is typically streamlined, Osaka’s walk-on skirt puffs out wide thanks to a tulle petticoat. In images released ahead of the tournament, she posed in high-shine black ...
turned heads when she took the court in a layered outfit featuring a bright green skirt with a stiff tulle petticoat and a jacket bedecked with a bright green bow.
turned heads when she took the court in a layered outfit featuring a bright green skirt with a stiff tulle petticoat and a jacket bedecked with a bright green bow. She doffed both to reveal a ...
While modern tennis-wear is typically streamlined, Osaka’s walk-on skirt puffs out wide thanks to a tulle petticoat. Her high-shine black bomber jacket is adorned with an oversized white bow ...