The United States has a distinctive system for electing presidents indirectly — a source of confusion for those following the ...
This system also means candidates end up focusing a disproportionate ... saying "we need a popular vote" during a campaign ...
Here are five things to know about the electoral college system: The founding fathers opted against a national popular vote where the winning candidate just has to gain a majority of votes to claim ...
The American president is chosen by the Electoral College, not the popular vote. Here's why that is and how it works.
During the general election, the voters in each State select their State's electors by casting their ballots. When the voters in each State cast votes for the Presidential candidate of their choice ...
In the US, a candidate becomes president not by winning a majority of the national popular vote, but through a system called ...
Generally, states award all their electoral college votes to whoever wins the poll of ordinary voters in the state. For ...
Republicans Trump and Bush lost the popular vote during their presidential runs but won the Electoral College to claim the ...
The Electoral College, essentially or effectively, [...] disenfranchises minority parties and minority voters across the ...
Governed by a highly centralised structure managed by the Election Commission of India (ECI), India’s elections contrast ...
It's a system many Americans have questioned about every election year – the Electoral College. In each Presidential Election ...