Researchers implement a quality improvement initiative to raise screening rates for chlamydia and gonorrhea in adolescents.
A new screening intervention in the primary care setting can improve the identification and management of obesity risk in pediatric patients, according to a poster presented at the National ...
Clinicians present a case of familial sex trafficking at the NAPNAP National Conference on Pediatric Health Care.
A multidisciplinary team of clinicians implements the Improving Vaccination Model at an outpatient pediatric pulmonary clinic to increase influenza vaccination rates.
By blocking dopamine-1 receptors, ecopipam is expected to reduce the repetitive and compulsive behaviors seen in Tourette syndrome.
Researchers compare GAD-7 with clinical identification as a means of anxiety screening among adolescent syncope patients.
This survey investigates the knowledge, attitudes, and intentions of US Hispanic parents surrounding the HPV vaccine.
Research presented at the NAPNAP National Conference explores the social determinants of health that affect asthma exacerbation in children.
This research examines childhood obesity rates in a rural county before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research presented at the NAPNAP National Conference on Pediatric Health Care explores the benefits of consistent, timely integration of palliative care services at a pediatric neuro-oncology clinic.
Access to telemedicine is not associated with improved disease management for pediatric patients in rural areas living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, ...
A new study reveals differences in survival rates for COVID-19 pneumonia patients treated with ECMO compared to non-COVID-19 pneumonia patients.