For the more than two billion women worldwide who experience menstrual cycles, these insights could revolutionize clinical ...
The Polybot project is receiving €220,000 to develop an intelligent harvesting robot that promotes sustainable agriculture.
Federal President Steinmeier visits Chile's observatories threatened by industrial pollution, emphasizing the need for ...
Neural network registers gravitational wave signal from neutron star collisions early on and shows telescopes where to find ...
The wealth of urban elites—and, consequently, social inequality—increases with a city's population. A team from the Max ...
Right under our feet, hidden in the ground, there is a complex network of relationships: almost all plants live in close symbiosis with fungi. These fungi do not form the classic mushroom fruiting ...
Mathematician Anna Siffert from the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics on why Ada Lovelace is considered the world's first computer programmer Computer Science Mathematics Augusta Ada Byron is born ...
In 2023, 253,341 laboratory animals were used at the Max Planck Institutes. This figure includes 95,715 animals that were used to obtain organ or tissue samples and were not exposed to any stress ...
Das Projekt Polybot erhält 220.000 Euro für die Entwicklung eines intelligenten Ernte-Roboters zur Förderung nachhaltiger ...
Wussten Sie, dass sich der Herzschlag einer Frau während ihres Menstruationszyklus auf subtile Weise verändert? Diese ...
Die Vermögen städtischer Eliten und damit soziale Ungleichheit wachsen mit der Bevölkerungsgröße einer Stadt. Diesen ...