When the Taliban took over Afghanistan in 2021, Mohammad Osmani worried about his family's safety because he had worked with ...
The man the Observer spoke to is worried about his mother, who is still trapped in Afghanistan. She has long been his ...
An injured passenger rescued by security forces from a train attacked by insurgents is carried on a stretcher after arriving ...
The BLA group from its inception has said it is fighting against the exploitation of the region’s resources by the Pakistani ...
No members of the Balouch opposition have a presence in Afghanistan nor have they ever had, nor have, any links with the ...
Two men arrested after anti-Taliban Afghan activist attacked inside Home Office hotel - Campaigner and journalist Natiq ...
Pakistan’s prime minister has commended the country’s armed forces for successfully rescuing 339 passengers after a deadly ...
Pakistan's PM visits Balochistan after train attack by insurgents; military eliminates attackers linked to Afghanistan, ...
Talks between Afghan and Pakistani jirgas to resolve the 19-day Torkham border dispute collapsed after the Afghan delegation ...
Pakistan has been battling the scourge of terrorism for the past two decades. Since the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the relentless cycle of terrorism has continued. This is primarily due ...
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), an armed militant group operating along the Afghan–Pakistani border, has launched a massive ...