This week has seen US President Donald Trump kick-off a war of words with his Ukrainian counterpart, President Volodymyr ...
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the two sides agreed at talks in Riyadh this week - their first on how to end the Ukraine war before more formal negotiations - that the two leaders should meet, ...
Kremlim spokesman Dmitry Peskov and U.S. President Donald Trump both poured cold water on reports that Trump would attend the ...
French weekly magazine Le Point reported earlier in the week that Trump would possibly visit Moscow on May 9 and meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin ...
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer spoke on the Senate floor yesterday saying that Trump's comments "sounded straight from a Russian propaganda playbook". He went on to call it "disgusting", ...
Reporters in Russia, Ukraine, the US and the UK are answering your key queries as the third anniversary of the full-scale invasion approaches.
But, from Vladimir Putin’s point of view, he had good reason to be part of it. As the boss of one of Russia’s state-backed ...
"It is clear that few people can remain indifferent to what is happening around the Kiev regime, which excludes the possibility of peace talks and does not want to engage in peacemaking," Dmitry Pesko ...