Flowing quantum dot solutions enhance heat dissipation, enabling stable high-speed pulsed operation and tunable color output for next-generation optical devices.
Scientists demonstrate topological beam shaping using Jackiw-Rebbi states on metasurfaces, enabling precise, customizable ...
Researchers developed a nano-spring coating with carbon nanotubes on battery electrodes to absorb strain, prevent cracks, and ...
As brain organoids replicate aspects of the brain's physiology, organoids hold the potential to reveal new insights about ...
Researchers developed a new type of ceramic fiber aerogel, featuring highly anisotropic thermal conductivity and extreme thermal stability through directional bio-inspired design.
Scientists have developed a method to track how lasers instantly change a materials transparency and conductivity on attosecond timescales, revealing ultrafast dynamics.
New 3D printing technology achieves 130-fold better precision, allowing nanoscale control over strength and flexibility in printed materials.
Researchers developed a nanoscale quantum resonant tunnelling diode that mimics a sensory neuron, detecting light, processing ...
Inspired by how brainless lifeforms such as starfish and slime moulds move around, physicists have constructed 'odd' objects that autonomously roll, crawl and wiggle over unpredictable terrain, ...
New research suggests black holes may become white holes, ejecting matter and time, linking dark energy to time and reshaping ...
“Traditional imaging methods involve external tracers, which may detach during circulation,” explains Koshikawa. “To overcome ...
Researchers demonstrate how phosphorene nanoribbons' magnetic properties interact with light, paving the way for new quantum technologies.