How El Niño—& Climate Change—Kill People with Virus Epidemics
Jan 12, 2017 · Impacts from a strong El Niño ripple around the world in the form of swings in temperature, rainfall, and weather. Discussing the approaching El Niño pattern in August of 2015, Bill Patzert , a climatologist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory stated in an interview , "This definitely has the potential of being the Godzilla El Niño."
How Epidemics Happen: The Terrifying Reality of Superspreaders
Feb 13, 2017 · Jostled in the airport, someone is coughing in line. The air looks empty but it is loaded with microbes that make their way into your body. You get sick. You give it to your family, and that's pretty much it. But what if you were so contagious that you spread it to your entire community and beyond?
Invisiverse - News of the secret, beautiful & dangerous world of ...
Mar 1, 2017 · Viruses and bacteria make up the invisible world around us. Invisiverse sees the world through this microbe lens: how they impact our health, our world, and the environment in stunning ways. Find the latest, news, information and studies on microbiology here at Invisiverse.
Even After It's in the Body - WonderHowTo
Jul 18, 2017 · Malaria is a massive worldwide health problem. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 212 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide in 2015 and 429,000 of the infected people died. Once infected, the parasite multiplies in human red blood cells until it bursts out to infect more red cells. Researchers are targeting a key protein …
New, Tougher Malaria Drug Could Prevent a Half Million Deaths
May 22, 2017 · The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that there were 212 million cases of malaria across the world in 2015, and 429,000 of those people died — mostly children living in Africa. Preventing and treating those infections has been a challenging world priority. That makes a new malaria drug discovery — published in Science Translational …
Say Goodbye to Almonds—Common Pesticide Additive in …
Jan 18, 2017 · While pesticides and other additives can harm pollinators, their contribution to the world food supply is undeniable. In India , the production of food grain increased from 50 million tons in 1948-1949 to nearly 200 million tons in 1996-1997—an increase partly attributed to the use of agriculture chemicals.
Even Bees Need Probiotics Now << Invisiverse - WonderHowTo
Jun 27, 2017 · Most people are familiar with the decline of honeybee colonies around the world. Among other threats, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is eroding the capability of honeybees to maintain their hives and provide their services to human farmers. Not usually discussed as major drivers of the economy, honeybees and other pollinators are responsible for keeping fruits and …
TV Chefs Are Terrible at Handling Food Safely - WonderHowTo
May 27, 2017 · Reviewers observed 100 episodes of cooking shows, chosen at random from those available through cable or online services such as Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon. They analyzed 24 different chefs on 30 different cooking shows — some chefs appeared on more than one show. The episodes lasted 20 to 40 minutes and aired between January and October of 2015.
How a Vaccine Could Protect Florida's Orange Trees
May 8, 2017 · A disease called "citrus greening" has devastated and permanently altered citrus production in the United States, but a vaccine that could protect orange trees may be part of a winning strategy to beat the bacteria that is killing the trees. Citrus greening, also known as Huanglongbing (HLB), was discovered in Florida in 2005. The disease is caused by a …
Malaria Eliminated in the US, but Causing a World of Hurt — Know …
Apr 25, 2017 · While no longer native to the United States, hospitalization from malaria occurs in this country more than most would believe. Why is that, and what can you do to protect yourself when you travel abroad to regions where malaria is active?